New Orleans Vodoo

Episode 94: Louis MartiniƩ Discusses New Orleans Voodoo

Tuesday March. 12, 2013 Live 8pm EST on Andrieh Vitimus and Jason M. Colwell are excited to welcome New Orleans Voodoo Priest Louis MartiniĆ© to the show. Louis MartiniĆ© is an author, “internationally known” percussionist, practitioner of New Orleans style Voodoo, and co-author of the book New Orleans VooDoo Tarot (1992), with Sallie Ann…

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Episode 31: Guest Denise Alvarado New Orleans Vodoo

Live on the Para-X Network 8pm EST November 14, 2011 Denise Alvarado (1960) is a New Orleans born, native Creole raised in the Voodoo and Hoodoo rich culture of New Orleans, Louisiana. She has studied indigenous healing traditions from a personal, professional and academic perspective for over four decades. Her self-published work, The Voodoo Hoodoo…

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