Do you feel creatively blocked, sexually repressed, or unable to enjoy life? Invest in the tools to supercharge your bliss. You know all the sensations when you can create and express joy. During our sacral chakra workshop will open you up to your own joy, sensuality, and creativity. We will dive into practical, immediate results-producing methods to balance and accelerate your connection to your chakra. We will cover all the practical details to give you tools for long-term joy and active meditations to boost your creativity.
Deeper down the Rabbit Hole is looking for PR/Marketingvolunteers or Interns:
Always need help spreading the word!
Audio editors:
We need help producing the auto with a person to manually go in and fix audio gaps.
Generally, this is a non-paid position, but if you are interested in metaphysics and occultism, Andrieh Does give out blessings and his private material. You’ll get stuff that simple probably will not be published.