Andrieh Vitimus and Jason Colwell welcome Michael W. Ford to talk about Luciferian tradition and the Gods of Canaan through that lense.
Author, musician and visionary of the Luciferian tradition Michael W. Ford.
MICHAEL W. FORD has been a practicing Luciferian and Satanist/Sethanist for over 16 years. Mr. Ford’s path has led him through an initiatory system which has both inspired and changed the life for many individuals. Originally focused on obscure, “hit and run” left hand path booklets Ford’s approach to magick was from a luciferian point of view. Soon after, the demand for his works sky rocketed and Luciferian Witchcraft was published. Soon after, the obscure and hard to get published “Book of the Witch Moon” was published in a final edited edition to numerous acclaim.
With the further development of THE ORDER OF PHOSPHORUS, Ford understood his role was changing and he would have to adapt from solitary practitioner to someone who could explain a growing ideology which is totally separate from Judeo-Christian and modern ceremonial magick structures. The Bible of the Adversary drew together the trans-cultural perspective of the various aspects of the luciferian spirit, utilizing various workings which would allow the adept to enter the depths of darkness and ascend with the wisdom gained from it.
Michael W. Ford lists Charles Pace as one of his primary sources of inspiration, he is writing an Egyptian-Sethanic ritual book and basic biography of Pace and his works currently. In addition, Ford mentions Austin Osman Spare, Kenneth Grant, Anton Szandor Lavey, Nietzsche and Aleister Crowley as basic “teachers” and adds there are many others.
Michael continues his spiritual workings, development of luciferianism and has a deep interest in the authenticity of ritual practice from the ancient near east with Canaanite, Egyptian, Persian, Babylonian, Assyrian and Sumerian with a foundation of Hellenic-Greek gods. Ford approaches the practice of magick from historical and mythological, temple and cult records of the Hellenic, Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern ritual texts noting that this is the pure source for initiation with the gods and daemons of pre-christian religion.