Jason M. Colwell welcomes Billy Brujo to the show for the first time. Billy is both entertaining and informative; a young man who is combining magic, art, and entertainment to both teach what he has learned as an Magician as well as offer his personal services to the public. We recently came across his online material and enjoyed it so much, we wanted to introduce him to our audience.
Billy Brujo professional Witch, Reader and Host of Youtube’s Billy Brujo’s Black Magick Cooking Show, combines styles in an eclectic fashion, to attempt to come to a postmodern view on old occult traditions.
Mostly drawing on his knowledge of herbal magic and hermetic Qaballah, he creates magic objects, candles, and charms to assist people in their endeavors.
He also provides assistance to ‘seekers’ giving tutelage in these arts and offering spell consultations to help casters to design and plan their ceremonies.
Check out his goods and services at his personal website: billybrujo.com