Live Tue. June 18, 2013 8PM EST on
Andreah Vitimus and Jason M. Colwell welcome Frater Ashen Chassan to the show!
Frater Ashen Chassan: I am a practicing occultist and grimoiric traditionalist who has been involved in traditional forms of Western ceremonial magic for over fourteen years. My passions center on closely reproducing experiments from the Solomonic magical texts and judging their effectiveness for myself. The approach I take to such undertakings is a serious immersion and integration of traditional forms of magical ritual and spirit communication. My aim is to recreate experiments from magical texts as closely as I am able before altering any content. I practice on a continual basis and my comprehensions are always evolving. Beyond my traditional grimoric pursuits, I involve myself in a multitude of esoteric arts and methods to better understand spiritual phenomena which has occurred in my life since a young age.