S6E19: What Is Chaos Magick With Andrieh Vitimus

September 24, 2022

Andrieh Vitimus is the author of Hands on Chaos Magic: Reality Manipulation Through the Ovayki Current, a modern classic on magic. He is a Hougan Asogwe, the highest initiatory rank in Haitian Vodou, and a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master. He is also a licensed hypnotherapist and an NLP practitioner.

In this live workshop at Toronto Pagan Pride, Andrieh will introduce what chaos magic is and explore its foundational structures. He will also share his own experience with this meta-paradigm and how it can be used to create powerful change in your life. Attendees will leave this workshop with a deep understanding of what chaos magic is and how to begin using it in their own lives.

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