Sunday, May 17th 8pm (EST) Join us
In the land of crazy Covid-19 reality, where politics is starting to overcome reason, magic is probably our best chance to make sure we are ok. We are going to have frank conversation about using spirits to aspirationally guide our co-works and supervisors. We will go over some spirits we think might help and some basic summoning techniques to get spirits present and help you out. We are going to focus on spirits who we think can help keep you healthy in work environments ( aka GET protective gear). We will focus on the basics of summoning spirits for aspirational spirit influence work.
For Sponsors in hour 2: A LIVE Dantalion summoning

When the aspirational methods fail, sometimes you need to get a little darker. Dantalion has the ability to change thoughts, think inception style event. We will do a live summoning in the second hour for sponsors and explain how to do the summoning.
Bring an intention to change someone’s mind and well do the asking.
Want to be part of this one time experience, become a sponsor today