Live Tue. May 30th, 2017 8pm EST on Para-X-Radio.com
Jason M. Colwell welcomes Angel Rae to the show to discuss her soon to be released book, Into The Darkness: Converations With The Dead.
Angel Rae is a life-long student of the Supernatural and its existence. A follower of Nature-Based practices while hailing from a long line of sensitives and psychics, she uses her gifts to help others, often referred to as a Spiritual Adviser. As with all her books, she strives to encourage others to have open minds and never stop asking questions, searching for answers and finding ways to help others.
Into The Darkness: Conversations With The Dead
You must embrace the darkness to see the light. An ideal book for a beginner or experienced paranormal enthusiasts! It will open your mind to the possibilities of afterlife phenomena and guide you through proper etiquette, techniques, and use of modern day equipment. Complete with personal experiences and haunted locations to visit. If you believe, they will come! Coming Soon in June!
You must embrace the darkness to see the light. An ideal book for a beginner or experienced paranormal enthusiasts! It will open your mind to the possibilities of afterlife phenomena and guide you through proper etiquette, techniques, and use of modern day equipment. Complete with personal experiences and haunted locations to visit. If you believe, they will come! Coming Soon in June!