Live Tue. Jan. 24th, 2017 8pm EST on Para-X-Radio.com
Andrieh Vitimus and Jason M. Colwell welcome Antero Alli to the show, for the the first time. Antero will be talking to us about Paratheatre, his life’s work since 1977. He will share some techniques of transformative ritual and how these influences shape performance dynamics in the arena of experimental theatre.
In 1977 Antero was inspired by the Paratheatre of Jerzy Grotowski and over the next four decades, he combined his early theatre experience and training (see below) towards the creation of his own paratheatre medium — as documented in his book, “Towards an Archeology of the Soul” (Vertical Pool, 2003), in four videos (1992-2012), and in academia by Nicoletta Isar, Professor at the Institute of Art History, Copenhagen University (2008). Between 1975 and 2005, Antero wrote, directed, produced and performed in numerous experimental theatre productions. In 2005, Antero stopped creating theatre and wrote and directed a series of feature-length art films — including “The Greater Circulation” (2005; 93 min) a critically acclaimed cinematic treatment of Rainer Maria Rilke’s “Requiem for a Friend“, “The Invisible Forest” (2008; 111 min) featuring the radical ideas of French Surrealist, Antonin Artaud, “To Dream of Falling Upwards“(2011; 120 min), exploring the occult worlds of rural and urban sorcery and “The Book of Jane” (2013; 115 min.), an urban fable of Feminine initiation. In late 2015 Antero ended his 23-year era of filmmaking and returned to his roots in experimental theatre in Portland Oregon where he also continues his paratheatre group work.
For more information visit Antero Alli’s personal website at: http://www.paratheatrical.com/