Tue. Sept. 6th, 2016 8PM EST on Para-X-Radio.com
Jason M. Colwell welcomes his very busy Co-host back to the show to discuss Conjure, Hoodoo, and other techniques. Andrieh Vitimus has many years of hands on experience with Conjure, Hoodoo, and many other techniques of herbal magic. He is offering a hands on course in his personal style of techniques in a Cleveland Conjure Series from 9/17 to 10/28. See andriehvitimus.com/cleveland-conjure-series/ for more details!
Andrieh Vitimus is author of the modern magical classic Hands on Chaos Magic: Reality Manipulation Through the Ovayki Current. He has co-authored Spirit Keeping & Spirit Vessels (The Daemonolater’s Guide) (Volume 5) with S. Connolly. He is also published in Magick on the Edge anthology, the Manifesting Prosperity anthology, The Pop Culture Anthology and the Best of Konton Magazine anthology. Andrieh holds the highest initiatory rank in Haitian Vodou, that of Hougan Asogwe,, is a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, NLP practitioner and a licensed hypnotherapist. Currently, Andrieh Vitimus is faculty at Peter Carroll’s Arconorium College. Andrieh has taught at many conventions across the country including Starwood, Sirius Rising, Babylon Rising, Convocation, Real Witches Ball, various Pagan Prides and more.