On the air Tues. Jan. 13th on Para-X Radio
Jason M. Colwell welcomes Lawren Leo to the show!
Following his education at Lynn University and Pepperdine University, author and psychic Lawren Leo made the life-altering decision to follow his true calling of spiritual devotion. To that end he has traveled throughout the U.S., Great Britain, Western Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East studying esoteric philosophy, magical arts, and alternative religion. He has been practicing these principals for close to thirty years, and can trace his first psychic experience back to the age of five. Lawren has been able to share his philosophies, skills, potions, oils, and herbs internationally through his boutique: New Moon Books, Crystals & Candles, Inc. in Pompano Beach, FL.
Throughout his many travels, Lawren has incorporated new methods of reading from different cultures and has devoted himself to futher perfecting his craft through the synthesis of new ideas. His remarkable gifts of spirit communication, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience have garnered international attention.
Lawren’s intuitive readings are well-known among the circles of New York, Los Angeles, and throughout his native Pennsylvania. His mentor, well-known psychic Mary Glomb, with whom he grew up, took him under her wing at the age of eight and trained her protege in the arts of reading with a crystal ball and interpreting candle flames and cards.
In His Own Words…
Throughout my life I was always told, “You can be anything you want to be, a doctor, a lawyer, an artist…” The one career path not on the list was that of a psychic! In fact, my life’s work was not a career choice at all, but rather a calling of spirituality. My mission, to help others with my gifts of divination, is constantly evolving through my work in self-realization and guidance and continues to bring me true fulfillment.
My readings are intended to heal, illuminate, and affirm. They embody the science of divination – derived from the tarot, playing cards, astrology, and my spiritual gift – psychic ability.
I am a firm believer that everything we need and desire to know already exists in our inner and outer universe: We simply need to listen. One of the first steps in this ongoing process is to seek spiritual counsel.
- Psychic Counsel is available for 30 minutes or 60 minutes and can be done in person or over the phone (prices upon request).
- Special Evil Eye Removal is available in person or over the phone as well.
Please call 954-788-4988 to make an appointment with Lawren.
Or, contact him directly at NewMoonBooksOnline@gmail.com
Link to author page at Amazon: http://amzn.to/1xQJkL9
Website URL: www.NewMoonBooks.org
New Moon Books, Crystals & Candles, Inc.
74 E. McNab Rd., Pompano Beach, FL 33060
Author of: Dragonflame: Tap Into Your Reservoir of Power Using Talismans,Manifestation, and Visualization (New Page Books)
Co-editor of the eZine, The Familiar
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