Live Tue. Dec. 3, 2013 8pm EST on Para-X-Radio.com
E.A. Koetting has invested over a dozen years studying the mysteries of the occult and their practical applications, and has spent the last decade teaching and guiding others in their Ascent. Koetting is the author of several books on the esoteric, and has, over the past few years risen as a leader of the practical spirituality movement.
My partner, Timothy, and I co-created the Become A Living God movement in order to fulfill a desperate need inside the magick community. We believe we are the first to make high quality occult education immediately accessible to anyone who wants it, anywhere in the world, without limits. We are advancing and innovating the field of magick.
We hold certain beliefs:
- 1. Anyone can succeed with magick.
You don’t need to be born with gifted genetics, or have a particular past life, or be initiated into a secret magick order. You just need to be you, a human being. We believe that all humans are magick creatures naturally.
- 2. Make magick simple, not complicated.
If you can get the same result from a simple ritual, as you would a complicated ritual, then keep it simple, because it will save you time and energy. In our experience, many magicians overthink and overcomplicate magick unnecessarily in an attempt to be fancy or academic.
- 3. You can excel on your own.
In the past it was necessary to join a magick order to receive an occult education. But in the modern technological age, this is no longer the case. Information abounds and you are able to self-direct your own magick ascent, and learn everything you need to acquire the 3 Godlike Powers, and pathwork various esoteric systems. I myself was a member of several Satanic organizations and Left Hand Path trainings over the last two decades, such as Temple ov Blood, Order of Nine Angles, and founded my own Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis. But ultimately, I outgrew them, and now work to educate magicians who are ready for hardcore training that doesn’t require initiatory obedience to only one school of thought.
– See more at: http://www.becomealivinggod.com/about/#sthash.qSkdFHBw.dpuf
I devoted myself to the study and practice of the occult as a young teenager, and now as a grown adult, I’m enjoying the bountiful fruits of my labor. But it was not always this way.
To make a long story short… I barely graduated high school, dropped out of college, battled a serious addiction to drugs, and fathered an unplanned child as a single guy. I’m embarrassed to further admit that I eventually became homeless and deeply suicidal, sleeping in the dirt of an abandoned graveyard at night.
By every measure in society, I was a failure.
I attribute the complete transformation of my life to magick, and hold my own tremendous success story as proof positive that its power is real.
I am now financially independent, enjoying a committed romantic relationship, raising my daughter happily–living my dream life. But most importantly, I am psychically active and experiencing magick ascent.
Now, by every measure in society, I am a champion. And you can be too.
– See more at: http://www.becomealivinggod.com/about/#sth
I devoted myself to the study and practice of the occult as a young teenager, and now as a grown adult, I’m enjoying the bountiful fruits of my labor. But it was not always this way.
To make a long story short… I barely graduated high school, dropped out of college, battled a serious addiction to drugs, and fathered an unplanned child as a single guy. I’m embarrassed to further admit that I eventually became homeless and deeply suicidal, sleeping in the dirt of an abandoned graveyard at night.
By every measure in society, I was a failure.
I attribute the complete transformation of my life to magick, and hold my own tremendous success story as proof positive that its power is real.
I am now financially independent, enjoying a committed romantic relationship, raising my daughter happily–living my dream life. But most importantly, I am psychically active and experiencing magick ascent.
Now, by every measure in society, I am a champion. And you can be too.
– See more at: http://www.becomealivinggod.com/about/#sthash.Wf3rKfBQ.dpuf
I devoted myself to the study and practice of the occult as a young teenager, and now as a grown adult, I’m enjoying the bountiful fruits of my labor. But it was not always this way.
To make a long story short… I barely graduated high school, dropped out of college, battled a serious addiction to drugs, and fathered an unplanned child as a single guy. I’m embarrassed to further admit that I eventually became homeless and deeply suicidal, sleeping in the dirt of an abandoned graveyard at night.
By every measure in society, I was a failure.
I attribute the complete transformation of my life to magick, and hold my own tremendous success story as proof positive that its power is real.
I am now financially independent, enjoying a committed romantic relationship, raising my daughter happily–living my dream life. But most importantly, I am psychically active and experiencing magick ascent.
Now, by every measure in society, I am a champion. And you can be too.
– See more at: http://www.becomealivinggod.com/about/#sthash.Wf3rKfBQ.dpuf
I devoted myself to the study and practice of the occult as a young teenager, and now as a grown adult, I’m enjoying the bountiful fruits of my labor. But it was not always this way.
To make a long story short… I barely graduated high school, dropped out of college, battled a serious addiction to drugs, and fathered an unplanned child as a single guy. I’m embarrassed to further admit that I eventually became homeless and deeply suicidal, sleeping in the dirt of an abandoned graveyard at night.
By every measure in society, I was a failure.
I attribute the complete transformation of my life to magick, and hold my own tremendous success story as proof positive that its power is real.
I am now financially independent, enjoying a committed romantic relationship, raising my daughter happily–living my dream life. But most importantly, I am psychically active and experiencing magick ascent.
Now, by every measure in society, I am a champion. And you can be too.
– See more at: http://www.becomealivinggod.com/about/#sthash.Wf3rKfBQ.dpuf
I devoted myself to the study and practice of the occult as a young teenager, and now as a grown adult, I’m enjoying the bountiful fruits of my labor. But it was not always this way.
To make a long story short… I barely graduated high school, dropped out of college, battled a serious addiction to drugs, and fathered an unplanned child as a single guy. I’m embarrassed to further admit that I eventually became homeless and deeply suicidal, sleeping in the dirt of an abandoned graveyard at night.
By every measure in society, I was a failure.
I attribute the complete transformation of my life to magick, and hold my own tremendous success story as proof positive that its power is real.
I am now financially independent, enjoying a committed romantic relationship, raising my daughter happily–living my dream life. But most importantly, I am psychically active and experiencing magick ascent.
Now, by every measure in society, I am a champion. And you can be too.
– See more at: http://www.becomealivinggod.com/about/#sthash.Wf3rKfBQ.dpuf