Listen Live Nov. 6, 2012 8pm EST www.para-x.com
Direct from Crucible 2012:
Andrieh Vitimus and Jason M. Colwell are proud to present Balancing and Polarity in Modern Magic; a panel discussion featuring multiple talented Occultists from Crucible 2012! http://www.crucibleconvention.com/
Featured panelists Jason Miller, Arthur Moyer, Andrieh Vitimus, Rufus Opus, and Alex moderated by Jason M. Colwell!
So join us for a an hour of shared experience from the front lines “Balancing and Polarity in Modern Magic” taped live at Crucible 2012 this week on Deeper Down The Rabbit Hole.
Rufus Opus can be reached at http://www.rufusopus.com/
Tau SHAWN KNIGHT can be reached at http://www.sk4p.net/occult/links/
Andrieh Vitimus can be reached at http://andriehvitimus.com