Live Tue. Sept. 11, 2012 on Para-X-Radio.com
Andrieh and Jason welcome Gordon White to the show to discuss his working practice of life hacking. While not currently published in print, we are fans of his blog Rune Soup and want to share his work with our audience!
What is Rune Soup about?
Rune Soup is about magic. Principally it is about improving your life through the use of magic, life hacking and otherwise taking charge of your own destiny. The only proviso is that the hacks must work. This is not a theory blog. This is where the rubber hits the road. As such, you will find posts that liberally borrow from business strategy, popular psychology, five thousand year old guides to the afterlife, popular culture and -every so often- things I have found in my local supermarket.
Who is Rune Soup for?
You! Seriously. Perhaps it would be more helpful to say that Rune Soup is for the entire magical community. We aren’t selling any particular flavour here -nor are we shopping for one. We believe everyone should dance to the beat of their own drum. So we gladly take tips, input and criticism from right across the occult spectrum. You could be on the first day of your magical journey or celebrating your 80th year of sorcery… Your input is always welcome here.
Rune Soup is a blog for anyone who wants to improve their life with magic and share their success.
Gordon can be contacted via his contact page, Twitter, Posterous
About Gordon (In his Own Words)
Be honest, you don’t actually care. I can’t even believe you read this far.
Oh all right. Years of experience, a bunch of initiations, blah blah blah. I work in media and live in London -the undisputed home of occultism and magic! Hit me up if you live in town or are planning to visit. Name’s Gordon. It’s always nice to meet fellow Hogwart’s alumni.
Fun trivia about Gordon:
- He has been in both the actual DeLorean from Back To The Future and the Batmobile from the original Adam West series.
- He is distantly related to Sir Isaac Newton.
- He has lived on two volcanoes.
- He has dived on a sunken city.
- Sir Richard Branson once bought him a bottle of champagne.
- He is obsessed with sharks.
Read more: http://runesoup.com/about/#ixzz24gS1UoDJ