Live Tues. May 1, 2012 on Para-X-Radio.com
Andrieh Vitimus and Jason M. Colwell are joined by Donald Tyson to discuss The Demonology of King James I, his research on King James I and a work penned by the former King of England entitled Demonology.
King James I, is one of the most influential people in religious history. He commissioned the King James Bible, the first full English translation of the Christian Scriptures. Written directly by his own hand, Demonology, shows that he believed himself to be an instrument of God. King James believed in a literal Satan and that his mission was to seek out and kill “witches”, who he believed acted directly as Satan’s ministers . He was convinced that they had tried to cast spells to kill him on numerous occasions. King James I, declared all magical practices to be unlawful and of the direct power of Satan; Unlike Queen Elizabeth I, who reigned just before him and believed magic to be a natural ability that she only outlawed in the context of being used for criminal acts. The misconceptions made about magic and occult practices in Demonology, have been a part of Christian thought ever since and the effects are felt in our community to this day.
Donald Tyson is a Canadian from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Early in life he was drawn to science by an intense fascination with astronomy, building a telescope by hand when he was eight. He began university seeking a science degree, but became disillusioned with the aridity and futility of a mechanistic view of the universe and shifted his major to English. After graduating with honors he has pursued a writing career.
Now he devotes his life to the attainment of a complete gnosis of the art of magic in theory and practice. His purpose is to formulate an accessible system of personal training composed of East and West, past and present, that will help the individual discover the reason for one’s existence and a way to fulfill it.
Donald’s personal website may be viewed at http://www.donaldtyson.com