Andrieh Vitimus and Jason Colwell welcome fellow magician Jason Miller!
Jason Miller (Rev. Inominandum) has devoted the last 17 years to studying Witchcraft and Magick in its many forms. He has traveled to and lived in New Orleans to study Hoodoo, in Europe to study Witchcraft, and in Nepal to study tantra. Miller is a member of the Chthonic Ouranian Temple, the Ordo Templi Orientis and the Sangreal Sodality, as well as an initiated Tantrika in the Nyingma and Bon lineages of Tibet. He is a regular contributor to Behutet, a journal of Magick. Miller lives with his wife on the New Jersey shore, where he practices and teaches Magick professionally.
Jason has authored two great books on practical magic. The Sorcerer’s Secrets and Protection and Reversal Magick: A Witch’s Defense Manual. He also offers a one year course on Strategic Sorcery. His books and products are available at inominandum.com
We are working on the Show quality, Andrieh needs microphone cable 🙂 We’re working on that.