Monday August 15th,2011 Live 8pm EST on www.Para-x.com
Ocha priestess of Yemeha Joy joins Andrieh Vitimus and Co-host Jason Colwell to talk about Ashe, the creative force of life, Ocha and the religion known as Santeria, the importance of practice and being serious with your spirituality. Joy is one of the best mediums within in the Cleveland area and has studied with many native American Teachers. She is a serious and effective healer, while being willing to speak her mind and be a proponent of devotion, practice and initiation. She has over 35 years of public speaking, festival and client work. Her spirits are currently pushing her to write a Ocha book which details the multitude of healing that comes from correctly understanding the uplifting process that engaging with the Orisha can be. We also cover the notion of spiritual license and within the spiritual side of things some people seem to be able to get away with doing more things then others.
Joy Wedmedyk (Iyalocha Omi Lasa) has studied Mediumship, Divination, Symbolism, and Shamanism for over 35 years. Initiated in Regla de Ocha (called Santeria), Native American and African Shamanic Traditions, she is an accomplished Medium and Shamanic practitioner. Joy opens the way for healing through her connections to the Spirits and Ancestors. Joy was a source for Drawing Down the Spirits by Filan and Kaldera.
She can be reached at http://holywatersbotanica.blogspot.com/
and http://www.omilasa.com/